
Training through research is one of Montpellier Recherche en Economie's priorities. Indeed, we cannot separate the production of new knowledge from the dissemination of this research to students. This is an integral part of the mission of a research unit like MRE. We are heavily involved in the organization of training courses at the University of Montpellier's Faculty of Economics.

In particular, a Master's degree in Finance and two Master's courses in Economics are attached to MRE.

Money, Banking, Finance, Insurance" specialization

The aim of the MBFA Master's program is to train specialists in risk analysis. There are three types of risk: banking risk, market risk and actuarial risk, corresponding to three specific courses. There is also a course specializing in information systems for the economy and finance ( big data), co-accredited with Polytech from the University of Montpellier, which aims to give students a dual skill set: in databases on the one hand, but also in data analysis on the other.

Digital Economy" course, "Economics" specialization

The Digital Economy course (Economics specialization) offers enhanced skills in the organization of telecoms, Internet and media markets. In particular, it addresses the increasing digitization of communication networks and the spread of new information technologies. This is fostering the emergence of new economic players and new services, such as the recent development of numerous service platforms competing with more traditional service distribution channels (Uber, Airbnb, Tripadvisor...).

Manager: Edmond BARANES

Health Systems Economics" specialization, "Economics" specialization

The Economics of Healthcare Systems program is part of the Economics Master's degree offered by the Faculty of Economics, in the Law-Economy-Management field. The course focuses on economic issues in healthcare systems. The aging of the population and technical advances in healthcare are generating major transformations in the organization of care and the financing of healthcare systems. This implies a more integrated definition of patient pathways and trajectories, and the emergence of new players and tools to regulate healthcare provision.

Manager: Valerie CLEMENT