ANNÉE 2025
Prochains séminaires
- Jeudi 03 Avril 2025, C 414, 13h30-14h30, Jean-Philippe SERBERA (Éklore-ed School of Management -ESC Pau) présentera « Utility Blochain Adoption in Oligopolistic Markets ».
- Séminaire Doctorants Mardi 15 Avril 2025 de 12h30 à 13h30 en C 318 : Sofia PATSALI au sujet « Prépaper son entretien pour devenir MCF »
- Jeudi 15 Mai 2025, C 414, 13h30-14h30, Flora BELLONE (Université de Côte d’Azur, GREDEG) présentera « Tax avoidance by small multinationals as a bad side effect of anti tax avoidance policy ».
Séminaires passés en 2025
Jeudi 06 Février 2025, C 414, 13h30-14h30, Roberto IPPOLLITI (U., Universita’ degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale « Amedeo Avogadro », Department of Law, Political, Social and Economic Sciences) présentera « Financial constraints, institutional quality and import trade flows: an empirical investigation on the internationalization process of Italian SMEs »
Résumé: This work investigates the role of local institutions in the internationalization process of SMEs, considering the Italian manufacturing industry and SMEs’ import trade flows between 2015 and 2019. In detail, we test the hypothesis of whether courts’ ability to enforce contracts can amplify uncertainty on the GVC, discouraging foreign suppliers from performing international transactions. We interpret these expectations in terms of financial constraints, imagining that the quality of a legal system limits firms’ access to local financial resources, which are essential to guarantee such operations. The proposed hypothesis is assessed considering alternative explanations that might characterize importers: absence of ex-ante business networks on the GVC (i), expected bankruptcy risks (ii) and asymmetric information (iii). Results are consistent with several robustness tests and, according to the collected evidence, we cannot reject the hypothesis that judicial quality might represent an institutional barrier to local SMEs, preventing their internationalization process.
Séminaire Doctorants. Mardi 04 Février 2025 de 12h30 à 13h30 en C 318: présentation de travaux par Issa Djadallah ISSA BICHARA et de Marie BIDAN
Séminaire Doctorants Mardi 04 Mars 2025 de 12h30 à 13h30 en C 318 : présentation de travaux par Sara MUSTAFAZADE, puis Sarodja NAMINZO
Tous les séminaires de l’année
Séminaires passés en 2024
HORAIRE EXCEPTIONNEL. Mardi 30 Janvier 2024, C 316, 13h30-14h30, Voahary Iangotiana ANDRIAMAROMANANA (Doctorante, HEC Liège en visite à MRE) presentera « CAPEX vs FLEX: The optimal investment mix to integrate decentralized production »
Jeudi 29 Février 2024, C418 , 14h-15h30, Julien JACQMIN (Neoma BS), « The Energy Community and the Grid ».
Résumé: Renewable energy communities involve various agents who decide to jointly invest in renewable production units and storage. This paper examines how these communities interact with the energy system and can decrease its overall cost. First, we show that a renewable energy community can contribute positively to welfare if the electricity produced by the investment is consumed close to its place of production, i.e. if the community has a high degree of self-consumption. Second, our analysis identifies the condition on prices and grid tariffs to align the community’s interest with welfare maximization. We also show that some of these grid tariffs do not have a negative impact on non-members of the community and could therefore limit potential distributional issues. Third, we argue that variousinternal organization of the renewable energy communities are feasible. The internal organization impacts the distribution of benefits among members but not the global efficiency of the community.
Jeudi 14 Mars 2024, C418, 14h-15h30, Thomas PODER (U Montreéal, Ecole de Santé Publique), « Comparison of Four Approaches in Eliciting Health State Utilities with SF-6Dv2 »
Jeudi 25 Avril 2024, C418, 14h-15h30, Stéphane LHUILLERY (NEOMA Business School, Reims & BETA, Strasbourg) » Biotech or bioeconomy: six of one and half a dozen of the other? »
Jeudi 16 Mai 2024, C418 , 14h-15h30, Damien BRICARD (MC, IRDES), « Efficience territoriale des dépenses de santé des personnes âgées : le rôle de l’offre de soins au niveau local »
Jeudi 30 Mai 2024, C418 , 14h-15h30, Antoine MARSAUDON (IRDES), « Etat de santé et recours aux soins des personnes étrangères en situation irrégulière ».
Séminaire Doctorants. Mardi 22 Octobre 2024 de 12h30 à 13h30 en C 318, Marie DAOU présentera l’ensemble du processus qui mène à la qualification pour devenir enseignant(e)-chercheur(se).
Séminaire Doctorants. Mardi 03 Décembre 2024 de 12h30 à 13h30 en C 318, Gabin MORILLON présentera l’utilisation de Mon Espace Santé.
Jeudi 05 Décembre 2024, C 144, 13h30-14h30, Etienne FARVAQUE (U. Lille), présentera « Multi-speed revenue-smoothing across European regions »
Résumé: We analyze the dynamics of revenue-smoothing within the European Union’s at the regional (NUTS2) level, spanning the period from 2000 to 2020. We investigate the extent of revenue-smoothing while introducing demographic variations as an explicit channel of risk-sharing in the union. Furthermore, we distinguish the diverse sources of households’ revenues, measuring their respective contributions to revenue-smoothing. Our findings shed light on the importance of the different channels of revenue-smoothing, revealing in particular how they differ between the core and the periphery of the union and how they have evolved since the 2008 crisis. While the euro area regions smooth shocks by 50%, the European Union ones get a lower smoothing degree, only equal to 33%.
Séminaires passés en 2023
Jeudi 23 Novembre 2023, C , 14h-15h30, Michele PEZZONI (U. Nice Cote d’Azur), « Research independence: Drivers and impact on PhD students’ careers ».
Abstract: Drawing upon data on the entire population of French STEM PhD students, we explore the factors leading PhDs to pursue independent research from their supervisors during the PhD and how independence links to their career outcomes. We find that independence is significantly associated with students’ and supervisors’ characteristics. Moreover, students’ independence predicts the probability of starting an academic career and, conditional on starting an academic career, a higher number of articles published after the PhD period. However, the higher number of articles comes at the cost of receiving fewer citations and having a lower probability of obtaining an academic position outside France.
Jeudi 25 Mai 2023, C, 14h-15h30, Christos CONSTANTATOS (U Macedonia), « On Emissions v. Output taxes and the Optimality of the Regulator’s Commitment to a Tax Rate when Consumers Are Environmentally Conscious »
Jeudi 18-Vendredi 19 Mai 2023, pas de séminaire : Workshop sur l’ordo-libéralisme (org. Marie Daou et Alain Marciano)
Vendredi 2 Juin 2023, pas de séminaire : Journée d’Econometrie appliquée Michel TERRAZA 2023
[REPORTE/POSTPONED] J Jeudi 20 Avril 2023, C418, 14h-15h30, Antoine MARSAUDON (IRDES) présente un article intitulé « Healthcare utilization patterns of undocumented immigrants living in France ». [REPORTE/POSTPONED] J
Jeudi 30 Mars 2023, Sonia PATY (Université Lyon 2, GATE Lyon St Etienne – UMR 5824,) co-écrit avec Carla Morvan : « Natural disasters and voter gratitude: what role for prevention policies ».
[REPORTE/POSTPONED] Jeudi 9 Mars 2023, Jimmy LOPEZ (Université de Bourgogne): “Anticompetitive Regulations and Employment: Evidence on European Regions” et co-écrit avec Océane Vernerey (Université de Bourgogne, LEDi).
[REPORTE/POSTPONED] Jeudi 19 Janvier 2023, Carole TREIBICH, Université de Grenoble Alpes, « Disentangling peer effects in transportation mode choice: the example of active commuting » (co-écrit avec Mathieu Lambotte, Sandrine Mathy et Anna Risch). Une version précédente du papier est disponible ici.
Résumé: We investigate the role of peer effects at the work place on individual choices of active transportation mode. We collect original data through an online survey on networks and sustainable behaviors among 334 individuals working in ten laboratories of the University of Grenoble Alps in February 2020. We apply linear and non-linear models of peer effects on active modal choice, untwining the role of conformism and strategic complementarity in social influence. We show that given our data, a linear local-average specification is the preferred model of peer effects and we estimate strong and significant endogenous peer effects.
[REPORTE/POSTPONED] Jeudi 9 Février 2023, Julien JACQMIN (NEOMA Business School – Rouen): « The energy community and the grid » (co-écrit avec Axel GAUTIER et Jean-Christophe POUDOU).
Séminaires passés en 2022
- Jeudi 8 Décembre 2022, Ilia MURTAZASHVILI (Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh) (zoom) “The future of spectrum is sharing”, Ali Palida (University of Pittsburgh, USA) et Martin Weiss* (University of Pittsburgh, USA).
- Jeudi 17 Novembre 2022, de 14h à 15h en C417, Florian PELGRIN (EDHEC), “Identifying structural shocks with the Max-Share approach” (co-écrit avec Alain Guay et Stéphane Surprenant)
- Jeudi 13 et vendredi 14 Octobre 2022, pas de séminaire: 7ème conférence de l’AFED, Centre Saint-Charles, Montpellier (org. Marie Daou et Alain Marciano)
- Vendredi 30 Septembre 2022 à 10h, Séminaire Nancy-Nice-Montpellier, [[Online]], Jeanne POULAIN, Université de Lorraine et BETA (CNRS) présente: « Gender based taxation with commodity tax ».
- Jeudi 15 Septembre 2022, Stéphane LUCHINI (Aix-Marseille Université) présente « Communication under Oath and Collective Action »
- Jeudi 23 Juin à 10h30, Séminaire Nancy-Nice-Montpellier, Eve-Angéline LAMBERT, Université de Lorraine et BETA (CNRS) présente “Frivolous Lawsuits, Settlement and Deterrence: Experimental Evidence”.
- Vendredi 10 Juin 2022 de 14h00 à 15h30 en C316, Rafael PINHO de MORAIS, (Université de l’État de Rio de Janeiro, UERJ), présente un article « Finances Sociales pour le Développement Durable et le projet ADUBA.ORG« .
- Vendredi 20 Mai 2022 de 14h00 à 15h30 en C316, Carine FRANC (INSERM) “GP installation and ramp-up phase: does vertical integration play a role in GP’s care patterns and incomes in the early carrier? » co-écrit avec Matthieu Cassou (Irdes) et Julien Mousques (Irdes).
- Vendredi 06 mai 2022, 14h C415, Josephine AIKPITANYI (SSS/IRSS, U C Louvain), “Utilization of skilled maternity care in Nigeria: How important are non-cognitive traits?” (co-écrit avec Friday Okonofua, Lorretta Ntoimo et Sandy Tubeuf).
- Abstract: Low utilization of maternal and child healthcare services remain a challenge in low and lower-middle-income countries. While several studies have documented that financial barriers disproportionately discourage poor women from seeking maternal and child healthcare, empirical evidence reveal instances where even with provision of financial assistance and other initiatives to facilitate healthcare services utilization, women continued not utilizing skilled maternity care. In this study, we investigated how non-cognitive traits matter for the utilization of skilled maternity care in Nigeria. Specifically, we consider the importance of locus of control and the Big-Five personality traits. In the paper, we find that women’s internal locus of control was a significant predictor of the utilization of skilled maternity care. We found significant associations between the components of the Big-Five personality traits and the utilization of skilled maternity care. We also found that some of the components of the Big-Five personality traits, such as conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness to experience were significant predictors of locus of control. Our findings also showed that the Big-Five traits mediated the relationship between locus of control and utilization of skilled maternity care.
- Vendredi 29 Avril 2022 , 10h, Séminaire Nancy-Nice-Montpellier, [[Online]], Christophe CHARLIER, (Université Côte d’Azur et GREDEG, ),“Waltz with unilateralism. Reflections on carbon border adjustment mechanism”.
- Vendredi 22 Avril 2022, 14h en C 316, Yacine LEFOUILI (TSE, U. Toulouse 1 Capitole ) présente un article intitulé « Mergers and Demand-Enhancing Innovation » (en collaboration avec Marc Bourreau et Bruno Jullien).
- Résumé/Abstract: We study the impact of horizontal mergers on merging firms’ incentives to invest in demand-enhancing innovation. In our baseline model, we identify four effects of a symmetric merger on these incentives: the innovation diversion effect, the margin expansion effect, the demand expansion effect, and the per unit return to innovation effect. We offer sufficient conditions for a merger to reduce or raise merging firms’ incentives to innovate in the absence of spillovers and efficiency gains in R&D, and find that comparing the innovation diversion and price diversion ratios is informative about the impact of a merger on innovation.
- Vendredi 25 Mars 2022 , Thierry PENARD (CREM, U. Rennes), 14h, « Multimarket Contact and Platform Competition: Reassessing the Mutual Forbearance Hypothesis », [[Link to the paper]] en collaboration avec Eric DARMON, Thomas LE TEXIER et Zhiwen LI.
- Résumé/Abstract: Antitrust authorities are particularly concerned with the dominant market position of tech giants such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon. These digital conglomerates are characterized by platform-based business models. However, despite their dominance, they are competing with each other to attract the same groups of users (developers, advertisers, end users, third party sellers, etc). They therefore have not only overlapping users (or sides) but also multimarket contact (MMC). In traditional one-sided markets, theory and empirical evidence show that MMC tends to relax competition. However, it is unclear whether this result holds under platform competition. This paper examines how MMC a ects pricing behaviour and profits of two-sided platforms. We develop a model of platform competition with two distinct markets. We assume that platforms only charge one group of users and provide free access to the other group. We argue that multimarket platforms also generate cross-market externalities that favour their users, in addition to well-known cross-group externalities. We found that when cross-market externalities benefit the side that has free access, price competition is fiercer and total welfare increases under MMC. However, when they benefit the side that pays to access the platform, the same result only holds if the cross-group externality and/or cross-market externality are su\u000Eciently high. Finally, we show that a single-market platform competing with a multimarket platform may be deterred from entering the second market if cross-market or cross-group externalities are high. Our findings contrast with the mutual forbearance hypothesis which claims that MMC relaxes competition in traditional (one-sided) industries. From a competition policy perspective, our paper provides an insight into how antitrust authorities should review conglomerate mergers and assess the e ects of diversification strategies of digital platforms.
- Vendredi 14 Janvier 2022, 14h : Thibault SCHREPEL, (U. Amsterdam/Standford), « Adding Bockchains to Antitrusts ». Ce séminaire a repris son dernier ouvrage “Blockchain + Antitrust”.
- Résumé/Abstract : « Blockchain + Antitrus explores the relationship between blockchain and antitrust, highlights the mutual benefits that stem from cooperation between the two and provides a unique perspective on how law and technology could cooperate.To this end, Professor Schrepel will draw upon legal, economic, and technical insights to introduce blockchain and antitrust mutual flaws and the limitations when they ignore each other. He will explore the anticompetitive practices that may arise in the ecosystem and will cover enforcement issues before showcasing the potential of blockchain and antitrust to complement one another. In a nutshell, this talk will address the benefit of a “law + technology” instead of “law & technology” approach. It calls for computer scientists and lawyers to join forces and explore synergies. »
- Jeudi 24 Février 2022 , Séminaire Nancy-Nice-Montpellier, 10h, Mehdi AYOUNI (BETA Nancy), « Credence goods, consumer feedback and (in)efficiency ».
- Résumé/Abstract : We analyze the effects of consumer feedback on a credence goods market. We present a model where consumers sequentially visit a monopolistic expert. Each consumer faces a problem which can be either minor or major. The expert performs a diagnosis that can reveal information about the severity of the problem faced by each consumer. He then implements a treatment which can solve the problem or not. After visiting the expert, each consumer reveals the received treatment and its outcome, i.e. whether it solved her problem. Each consumer receives the feedback from all previous consumers and uses it to update her belief on the ability of the expert to perform an informative diagnosis. She then decides whether to visit the expert. We show that consumer feedback can lead to inefficiency. More precisely, inefficiency appears when the diagnosis is uninformative and the expert overtreats the consumer while the probability of a major problem is sufficiently low. This inefficiency does not arise in the absence of consumer feedback.
Séminaires passés en 2020-2021
- Jeudi 02 Décembre 2021, Séminaire conjoint Nancy-Nice, 13h (on-line), Alain MARCIANOa présenté un article co-écrit avec Stefano Dughera (Université de Turin) et intitulé « Some insights on the origin and evolution of Buchanan’s Samaritan’s Dilemma »
- Vendredi 26 Novembre 2021 , 14h,Giampaolo GARZARELLI, « Should I say or Should I GO? State Formation Through Internal Exit »(U. La Sapienza), (avec Lyndal KEETON, U. Witwatersrand, Johannesburg)
- Vendredi 15 Octobre 2021, 14h,Michel ROLAND (CREATE, Université Laval, Québec, Canada) « Net Neutrality and Universal Service Obligations » coécrit avec Axel Gautier (LCII, HEC Liege, University Liège) et Jean-Christophe Poudou (MRE)
- Jeudi 07 Octobre 2021, Séminaire conjoint Nancy-Nice, 13h(on-line),Sarah VAN DRIESSCHEa présenté un article intitulé «Poor and rich addressing climate change: An experiment»
- Vendredi 8 Octobre 2021, 9h00, Faculté de Droit et Science politique en Amphi C ouon line: Séminaire pôle SHS,Marlène GUILLON« Confiance, croyances conspirationnistes et comportements de prévention face à la COVID-19 »
- [Voir le Programme complet]
- [Voir le site du Pôle SHS]
- Vendredi 24 Septembre 2021 de 14h à 15h30 en salle C418,Roman MESTRE(avec Rémy Odry, EconomiX), « Monetary Policy and Business Cycle Synchronization in Europe »
- Mercredi 24 et Jeudi 25 Février 2021 ,Webinaire WINIR-sponsored event Repugnant Behaviours organisé par Alain MARCIANO
- Vendredi 06 Novembre 2020 à 14h,Webinaire: Hospinnomics & Montpellier Recherche Économie : Atelier technique médicament.
- Revealed Preference of the decision-makers for priority setting in health technology assessment: Evidence from the French National Health Authority Committees.Pauline KERGALL, Erwan AUTIN ,MarlèneGUILLON, ValérieCLEMENT.
- Why France Spends Less on Drugs Than the U.S.: A Comparative Study of Drug Pricing and Pricing Regulation. Veronique C. RAIMOND, William B. FELDMAN, Benjamin N. ROME, Aaron S. KESSELHEIM.
Séminaires passés en 2019
- Vendredi 6 Mars 2020 : Emmanuel LORENZON (Université Grenoble-Alpes, GAEL et Governance and Regulation Chair/Paris-Dauphine University) présentera un papier intitulé « Zero-Rating and Investment Incentives » .
- Vendredi 22 Novembre 2019 de 14h à 15h30 en C 415 : David GINDIS, University of Hertfordshire, Organisation, Markets and Policy Research Group. présente un article intitulé « Law And Economics Under The Palms: Henry Manne At The University Of Miami, 1974-1980 »
- Vendredi 20 Septembre 2019 de 14h à 15h30 en C 415, Pierre-Henri MORAND, Université d’Avignon, LBNC, présente un article intitulé « Are social and environmental clauses a tool for favoritism? Analysis of French public procurement markets », (co-écrit avec F. Marechal).
- Vendredi 18 Octobre 2019: Marie OBIDZINSKI, Université Paris 2, CRED, « Public Law Enforcement Under Ambiguity », co-écrit avec B. Chopard.
- Vendredi 17 Mai 2019 de 14h à 15h30 en C 315 :Mehrdad VAHABI, (Université Paris 13 Nord), présentera un texte intitulé « Une théorie positive de l’Etat prédateur ».
- Vendredi 22 Mars 2019 de 14h à 15h30, salle C 415: Wilfried SAND-ZANTMAN(TSE, Université de Toulouse 1 Capitole) “ The Ownership of data” coécrit avec A. Dosis (ESSEC).
Abstract: We study the effect of property rights over the use of data on market outcomes. For this, we consider a model in which a website offers a service to a set of heterogeneous users and usage generates valuable data but data extraction entails a privacy cost to users. When data extraction is contractible, the trade-off between data monetization and privacy restricts the share of users for which data is indeed monetized. When data extraction is not contractible, both the firm and users prefer the users (the firm) to own the rights for low (high) values of data. We then extend our analysis in allowing the rights to be traded ex-post and discuss how this impacts both efficiency and rent sharing. - Vendredi 08 Février 2019 de 14h à 15h30 en C 415 : Enrico COLOMBATTO (Université de Turin),« How to apply the key notions of anarco-capitalism to today’s world » (Les deux clés de la pensée libérale et leur actualité).
- Vendredi 25 Janvier 2019 de 14h à 15h30 : Stéphane GONZALEZ (GATE-LSE, Université Jean Monnet, St-Etienne), “Axiomatic Foundations of a Unifying Core”
Abstract: We provide an axiomatic characterization of the core of games in effectiveness form. We point out that the core, whenever it applies to appropriate classes of these games, coincides with a wide variety of prominent stability concepts in social choice and game theory, such as the Condorcet winner, the Nash equilibrium, pairwise stability, and stable matchings, among others. Our characterization of the core invokes the axioms of restricted non-emptiness, coalitional unanimity, and Maskin invariance together with a principle of independence of irrelevant states, and uses in its proof a holdover property echoing the conventional ancestor property. Taking special cases of this general characterization of the core, we derive new characterizations of the previously mentioned stability concepts.
Séminaires passés en 2018
- Jeudi 25 Janvier de 14h à 15h30 Laurent LINNEMER, « Partial exclusivity » en C315Télécharger l’article / Download
- Jeudi 08 Février de 14h à 15h30 :Bruno JULLIEN, « Privacy Protection and Consumer Retention »Télécharger l’article / Download
- Jeudi 29 Mars de 14h à 15h30 en C 215 : David MARTIMORT, (PSE, EHESS), « Precaution, Information and Time-Consistency: Some Preliminary Thoughts on the Precautionary Principle » (papier joint avec Louise Guillouet, Columbia).
- Vendredi 06 Avril de 14h à 15h30 :Pierre-Yves GEOFFARD, (PSE, CNRS), « Striving now to shirk later? inter temporal moral hazard in car insurance (papier joint avec Alexandre Godzinski) « .
- Jeudi 3 mai de 14h00 à 15h30, salle C 318 : Benoît MULKAY(MRE, UM) « How competition affect innovation behaviour of French firms? ».
- Jeudi 24 Mai de 14h à 15h30, salle C415 :Yann GIRAUD(THEMA, U Cergy), « Economie et ingénierie: institutions, pratiques et cultures ».
- Jeudi 7 Juin de 14h à 15h30, salle C315, Marc DUBOIS (MRE, UM), « Competitive Imbalance of Heterogeneous Teams in Closed Leagues and Dominance Criteria » avec Jean-Pascal Gayant (Université du Mans) et Nicolas Le Pape (Université de Caen Basse-Normandie)Télécharger l’article / Download
- Vendredi 28 Septembre de 14h à 15h30, salle C315 : Lionel THOMAS (CRESE, Université Franche Comté, Besançon), « Optimal payment system for hospitals under adverse selection, moral hazard and limited liability », co-écrit avec François Maréchal.
- Vendredi 19 Octobre de 14h à 15h30, salle C 315 : Marlène GUILLON (MRE, Université de Montpellier), « Efficience des centres de santé primaire en milieu rural en Mongolie ».
- Vendredi 16 Novembre de 14h à 15h30 : Harro MAAS (Université de Lausanne, Centre Walras Pareto), « Mental Accounting Matters, and it is a Practice: Reflections from History ».